
What Kind Of Blanket Should I Put On My Horse?


As the winter months approach, horse owners need to start thinking about their horses’ blankets. Horses can naturally regulate their body temperature through their thick winter coats. However, intense cold and wet weather can stress a horse’s natural ability to keep warm and dry. The coat’s ability to provide insulation depends on its thickness, condition, and diet. Therefore, choosing the right blanket for your horse can make a significant difference in keeping them comfortable and healthy during winter.

Here are a few considerations to help you decide;

Horse breed and coat type:Different horse breeds and individual horse coat types have different needs for winter blankets for horses . For example, breeds such as Thoroughbreds and Arabians have thinner skin and require a lighter and more breathable blanket. Like ponies, horses with longer, thicker coats may not need a blanket at all. Understanding your horse’s breed and coat type will help you determine what type of blanket will be most suitable.

Living conditions: If your horse lives outdoors, it may require a blanket to protect it from the elements. Horses kept in stalls might only need blankets sometimes, especially if the stable is well-insulated and temperature-controlled.

Consider your horse’s personality: When selecting a blanket, consider your horse’s needs and personality. Some horses may not tolerate a full-neck style, while others may find it more comfortable. Additionally, some horses may become stressed if their blanket is removed or put on too frequently, while others may not be bothered at all. Observe your horse’s behaviour and preferences and select a fleece horse blanket that suits their needs.

Blanket Style and Fit: Horse turnout sheets come in many different styles, including stable blankets, turnout blankets, stable sheets, and more. Each class is designed for other purposes and offers varying degrees of warmth and protection. Choose a style that suits your horse’s environment and preferences when picking a blanket. Always ensure the blanket fits well, too. A poorly fitting blanket can cause rubs and sores and even restrict movement.

Activity evel: Horses that are active and moving around generate body heat, so that they might need lighter blankets than confined and less active horses.

Consider the climate:When selecting a blanket for your horse, start by considering the environment in your area. A lightweight blanket may be suitable for your horse if you live in a mild climate where temperatures only occasionally drop below freezing. However, a heavyweight blanket may be necessary for optimal protection in areas with consistently cold temperatures. Additionally, if your horse is outside in inclement weather, you must ensure that the blanket you select is waterproof.


In conclusion, choosing the right blanket for your horse is crucial to its comfort and well-being. The right blanket will shield your horse from the elements while allowing freedom of movement and preventing rubs and sores. When choosing your horse blanket, consider the climate, horse breed and coat type, style, fit, durability, quality, and other factors. A mistake in selecting the right blanket could harm your horse’s physical and mental health. The above tips will help you choose the best blanket for your equine best friend.