removing wisdom teeth

Things to consider when removing wisdom teeth.


The dental procedure of wisdom teeth removal is one of the most common types of dental surgery that any qualified dentist does. The removal of dental teeth is considered to be performed on more than one wisdom tooth because of the discomfort it causes. Wisdom teeth can be mainly seen in people between the ages of 18 and 25 and above; some get them afterward in life, and some do not get them at all. Visit San Jose dentist for any consultation related to this topic by experienced dentists. 

Why is it essential to remove wisdom teeth?

Generally, it is not always essential to consider removing wisdom teeth, and wisdom teeth must only be removed if they are causing problems in the long term. If you are experiencing any discomfort like swollen gums, painful gums, or any infection and tooth decay happening due to the growth of extra teeth, that is wisdom teeth. Here are some of the symptoms or problems that, if you are facing on a regular basis, you must remove your wisdom teeth.

1. Wisdom teeth that are impacted  

In this type of case, the wisdom teeth are not able to break through the gums due to the large size and lack of space. In an ideal condition, the wisdom teeth must erupt at an angle of 90 degrees with respect to the gum line. However, if the space is not large enough, which happens in most cases, it might cause an impact that may result in crowding, pain, and some other problems. 

2. Dental crowding problem

In many cases of dental wisdom teeth eruption, the wisdom teeth do not get enough space to erupt, which is why they push the other teeth that have already erupted and make them more crowded and crooked. This type of eruption is usually considered to be dangerous, as they are challenging to clean or maintain. Also, they cause cuts and discomforts that may lead to the risk of gum diseases and tooth decay.  

3. Chances of gum diseases.

The risk of gum disease is high because of the impact caused by wisdom teeth, as the food particles can accumulate in the teeth or some parts of the gum, causing them to form bacteria and other plague. These accumulations may further form infections, and this condition is generally known as pericoronitis. This type of condition may lead to swollen, bleeding, or tender gums near the area of your wisdom tooth. 

4. Damage to the nearby teeth.

Usually, wisdom teeth have a high chance of growing at an angle due to the lack of space, which causes them to push other teeth that are nearby. It then causes damage and several different problems to the neighboring teeth that develop decay and infections. It also becomes challenging to clean and maintain damaged teeth if not taken care of adequately, such as flossing and brushing daily with proper pieces of equipment. Tooth decay and infections are real problems in this type of case. 

Frequently asked questions

How do I know if I have an infection in my wisdom teeth? 

There are indications by which you can tell that you have developed an infection in your wisdom teeth. The signs include pain and swallowing near the jaw or in the gums, and the pain may worsen with time, especially while eating, bushing, or when the mouth is open wide. The other symptom is that you might notice redness or inflammation in and around your gum line. 

How can I prevent problems caused by wisdom teeth?

The best way to prevent problems caused by wisdom teeth is by having regular dental checkups and sometimes having x-rays, which your dentist can follow up with your teeth movement and check up on you. This process may allow your dentist to warn you and advise you on the best treatment. 

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